November 23, 2007

Build Customer Trust

In any kind of e-commerce, the seller needs to build trust and confidence in buyers who never meet them in person. The one-on-one contact that theinternet provides can do a lot toward building such confidence: quick e-mail respondses, speedy shipping, and honest descriptions all encourage buyers to check out your sales in the future and keep bidding.

When it comes to encouraging bids initially, the single best way you can develop trust is to develop a good feedback rating. That can only be done over time, by making a commitment to follow through quicky and honestly on all of your transactions, whether you are purchasing or selling. Any buyer can check your feedback rating by clicking on the feedback nmber that eBay list next to your name. Your eBay ID card appears. Your goal is to have feedback like boomer1967, who has an avalanche of positive comments. Other buyer can read this feedback, which of course will result in them forming a positive impression of you as a business like operator.

When it comes to gaining good feedback through selling, the three most important things you can do are the following:

  1. Pack your merchandise carefully
  2. Ship it out quickly
  3. Answer all correspondance quickly and professionally